Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Ici, on fait dans le petit, le LCD qui déchire sa race, on y cause même calculatrices quand on est en manque !

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Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Mic »

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Vidéo des principaux changements :

Changelog :
HP Prime – Release Notes

Date Released: 2014/03/31

Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2014 03 31 (6030)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2014 03 31 (6031)
Connectivity Kit: 2014 03 31 (6026)

This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.

Backward Compatibility
There is limited backward compatibility between this and earlier releases.

Older Prime hardware (Revision A) does support this release, however the wireless, unit-to-unit, and data streamer functionality is not supported on earlier models. In the Help->About HP Prime screen the hardware revision will be displayed along with software version information. Mixing and matching software revisions is not encouraged and may cause unexpected results. Users are strongly encouraged to first backup their calculators with the older firmware and Connectivity Kit - then upgrade all their calculator software (firmware, Connectivity Kit, and Virtual Calculator). Upgrade the Connectivity kit first, before upgrading your calculator firmware. This order will produce the best experience.

The geometry application and inference have received significant updates and earlier data files will not be compatible. Old data files from earlier revisions will not load and and a new empty data file will overwrite the old one.

Due to some specific issues resolved, certain user programs may not run on the new system without changes first. Specifically, any commands with the Σ character in the name may need to be corrected to use the correct sigma character. Function variables will now also error if the function parameter is using a reserved system function name (example: SIN or COLOR). Additionally, the TRIANGLE commands were modified to allow TRIANGLE, LINE and FILLPOLY to share similar data and syntax to enable easier creation of complex 3D drawings

New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
1. Application has had major improvements to the user interface. Please refer to the included connectivity kit User's Guide for instructions and details.
2. Support for the HP Wireless Classroom network has been introduced. Please see for details on the Wireless Classroom kit.
3. Greatly enhanced communication speed over USB link to calculator.

New Functionality (Calculator Software)
1. Improved touch support throughout system. This includes pinch to zoom support in graphing applications, and kinetic scrolling.
2. Pressing HELP in an open command line will attempt to find the name of a command based on the prior input up to the cursor position to display system help for that command.
3. Includes Edition 2 of the on calculator help files (English only in this release).
4. Greatly enhanced robustness and capability of the Statistics 2Var logistic fit.
5. Wireless support for capable units turned on. Wireless icon will appear in the right top corner menu for units that can support the HP Prime Wireless Kit.
6. Calculator unit-to-unit communications has now been enabled on units that can support it.
7. Numerical values now can be displayed with digit groupings. Examples include: 1,234.567 1 234.567 and 1’234,567
8. Two new numerical display formats have been introduced. These are “floating” which only displays up to a specified number of digits, and “rounded” which is similar to the “fixed” format except trailing zeros are suppressed.
9. Decimal fractions now appear with a zero, as in 0.25.
10. Vectors are now displayed as a single line object until they become a matrix. This aids in distinguishing vectors and matrices.
11. User selectable first day of week setting for use through the system.
12. First boot unlock and settings wizard. User will be asked to confirm language selection and some initial settings.
13. Inference application now can do Chi-Square calculations and Linear Regression T calculations.
14. Geometry application has been completely redone and is much faster, consistent, and capable than before.
15. Enhanced color pickers allow a greater range of color selection.
16. Pressing ENTER will now open chooser in a dialog or toggle checkbox.
17. Enhanced unit object display to ensure a more standard form with complex units.
18. TRIANGLE, FILLPOLY and LINE commands can now draw multiple objects in a consistent way with each other. Useful for very complicated 3D drawing in user programs.
19. INPUT command can now create multi-page dialogs and contain choose boxes, check boxes and grouped check boxes. It can also allow specific item types and gives control of parsing behavior for input. It also supports size and position control.

New Functionality (Virtual Calculator)
1. A horizontal skin has been included for use with monitors that are restricted in the vertical pixel range.

Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved issue with statistics 2 variable trig fit causing poor curve fit.
2. Resolved issue with removing last row or column from a CAS matrix in the matrix editor.
3. Resolved issue with .^ and ./ function calculations.
4. Resolved issue with EDITLIST/EDITMAT commands not working in RPN mode.
5. Resolved issue with BLIT command when specified destination was a zero sized region.
6. Resolved several issues with fraction key in home to make behavior more consistent.
7. Resolved issue in 2D integral template where EEX key would always add a 1 before the E in the evaluation limit locations.
8. Resolved several issues where integer only settings fields would display using the current display setting.
9. Resolved issue where auto power off did not function in graphing applications.
10. Resolved issue with commands EDITLIST and EDITMAT using user defined variables.
11. Resolved issue with key buffer not being cleared when the user aborts a running program.
12. Resolved issue with auto off timer in plot gallery not being reset on user touch.
13. Resolved issue with auto-off timer in plot gallery not being reset on user input.
14. Resolved issue with copy and paste in spreadsheet.
15. Resolved issue with sigma character in command names not being consistent through entire system.
16. Resolved issue with RETURN call inside repeating loop in a user program.
17. Resolved issue with object printing in debugging interface causing unpredictable behavior.
18. Resolved problem with integration calling ABS(F1(X))
19. Resolved issue with G0-G9 in user programs while spreadsheet was active application.
20. Resolved issue with 10 second periodic wakeup during sleep reducing long term shelf life.
21. Resolved issue with KWh in menu needing to be named kWh to function properly.
22. Resolved issue where storing a number to a vector padded with too many zeros.
23. Resolved issue with clicking EDIT menu after deleting last CAS object from memory manager catalog.
24. Resolved issue with negative and STO conversion shortcut.
25. Resolved issue where tapping an item in Advanced Grapher Symbolic view behaved differently then tapping edit menu key.
26. Resolved issue where calculating integration with boundary at 0 appeared to fail.
27. Resolved issue with case sensitivity in note and program catalog.
28. Resolved issue where changing font size could cause strange artifacts in 2d equation display in Symbolic view.
29. Resolved problem where copying .+ or .- operators would not insert space before commands.
30. Resolved issue with ΣLIST and a vector argument.
31. Resolved some issues with F1 and CAS interaction.
32. Resolved issue with the UNITS -> TOOLS menu commands not evaluating immediately in RPN mode.
33. Resolved issue with eigenvectors of diagonal matrices in home.
34. Resolved issue where DMS toggle on home screen did not work with certain numbers.
35. Resolved issue with RPN stack not being cleared by a clear in memory manager.
36. Resolved issue where changing HEX or other similar settings did not update stack display immediately.
37. Resolved issue where clearing memory from catalog did not clear Ans variables.
38. Resolved issue where pressing BKSP on a CAS variable from chooser did not delete it.
39. Resolved issue where CAS screen would have left/right alignments disrupted after a power cycle.
40. Resolved issue with logb and very tiny values.

Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Resolved issue with for desolve([y'=sqrt(y),y(1)=1],x,y)
2. Resolved issue with units in approx mode and auto simplification on units
3. Added check for real matrix in SVD
4. Resolved issue with tlin(cos(a)*cos(b)) and with plot(exp(-x^2))
5. Resolved issue with odesolve in reverse time direction
6. Desolve now handles linear system with constant coefficients; for example, desolve([y'=[[1,2],[2,1]]*y+[x,x+1],y(0)=[1,2]]);
7. Resolved issue with int(surd(2x,3),x,0,4), and with simplify(sin^2+cos^2)
8. Improved display for some sqrt results like sqrt(2+sqrt(3)) as sqrt(2)/2+sqrt(6)/2
9. Resolved issue with speed of int(x*exp(-x^2),x,0,100)
10. Resolved issue with derivative of composition e.g. (g(x^2))'
11. Resolved issue with desolve([y''-2*y'/x+(9+2/x^2)*y=x*exp(x),y(pi/6)=0,y(pi/3)=0],y)
12. Make SVD (SVL) work on rectangular matrices.
13. Change interpretation of A/B where B is a square matrix to inv(B)*A with a warning
14. Resolved issue with integer factorization.
15. Make limit(1/x^2,x,0) return +infinity instead of unsigned infinity
16. Resolved issue with laplace(exp(a*x),x,t)
17. Resolved issue with ilaplace(exp(-3x))
18. Resolved issue with sigma notation
19. Resolved issue with sign (-> also fixes laplace(x))
20. Make ifactor return an error if number too large
21. Resolved issue with recursion issue in geometry objects evaluation
22. Resolved issue with inv((5.+8i)^200)
23. Resolved issue with tan(54) in degree mode
24. Resolved issue with matrix/vector * object, if one arg to * is approx, evalf the other one with current context modes (instead of null context).
25. Extend cholesky to hermitian complex matrices
26. Resolved issue with ifactor(nextprime(alog10(17))*nextprime(alog10(19)));
27. Resolved issue with collect(sqrt(4x^2)) and for solve(-x+1=surd(-x^3+7,3));
28. Resolved issue with int(int(sqrt(x+y),x,0,1),y,0,1)
29. pa2b2(2) now returns [1,1]
30. legendre_symbol and jacobi_symbol now accept negative first argument
31. Resolved issue with algebraic extension with i inside
32. op added to list of non auto simplified operators + dichotomic search
33. Default interval changed for parabola
34. Make left and right accept an integer represented as a double as 2nd argument
35. Set max list size to 10 000 and compute factorial exactly up to 1000 on hardware
36. Resolved issue with hadamard on numeric matrices
37. Size limit check added for $, Ans support for SCALE/SCALEADD/...
38. Resolved issue with re/im/abs e.g. im(sqrt(x)+1)
39. Size check added for JordanBlock, fix for solve with fractional powers,
40. Resolved issue with iPart with neg argument
41. element added to the list of functions that should not be auto simplified
42. RANDMAT with one argument accepted.
43. Changes for triple matrix norm (l1norm, l2norm, linfnorm)
44. Resolved issue with resultant with num coeffs
45. mat2list sets HP list subtype for the result.
46. Resolved issue with plotfunc(normald(x))
47. area now accepts a function plot as first argument, 2nd argument a..b, or 2nd argument a, 3rd argument b, returns area under curve. For a parametric plot, a and b are the parameter range.
48. ifactor check added for qsieve failure
49. Resolved issue with ARG in degree
50. Resolved issue with fPart/iPart for negative/complex arguments
51. Resolved issue with asin(sin(pi))) and acos(cos(pi)) in degree
52. Change for [] in CAS: start at 1
53. Resolved issue with definite integral with inf boundary in degree mode
54. Replace warning by error for recursive definition except for when/ifte/program
55. Improve non-directional limit, e.g. limit(1/abs(x),x,0)
56. Enable for and if as lowercase synonyms for FOR and IF in the CAS.
57. Make REDIM and REPLACE (CAS version) accept a matrix instead of a variable name as 1st arg.
58. Resolved issue with regroup(inf) and for FP
59. Resolved issue with poisson_cdf with 3 arguments
60. Resolved issue with circle tangent, using relative error instead of absolute error.
61. Handling of inequalities with approximate coefficients using an exact conversion
62. jordan for numeric matrix with exact coefficients but no exact eigenvalue converting to approx.
63. Resolved issue with assume(s<0); sign(s)
64. Tangent for conics now use rational parametric equation
65. Resolved issue with a%%b if b is not an integer
66. Resolved issue with locus, fix for table print/parse
67. Resolved issue with l2norm
68. Re-set angle mode in isopolygon.
69. Leave propfrac unsimplified
70. Make sum eval approx if exact mode is not checked
71. Boolean operators now return 1/0
72. Resolved issue with col, suppress and makemat (indices starting at 1)
73. Better handling for some 4th order equations.
74. Set complex_variables to false in arcLen so that arcLen(x^2,x,0,1) works if Complex is checked.
75. Additional check for duplicate argument name in CAS program exit.
Modifié en dernier par Mic le 27 mai 2014 21:25, modifié 1 fois.
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par zpalm »

Super, mais...
Older Prime hardware (Revision A) does support this release, however the wireless, unit-to-unit, and data streamer functionality is not supported on earlier models.
il semble qu'il y ait une évolution du hardware de la HP Prime et que les premiers modèles aient des limitations... :(
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Mic »

Je ne sais pas s'il y a bcp de Rev A en circulation.
Je n'ai pas encore testé la mise à jour sur mon prototype.

Sinon vidéo depuis l'émulateur des principales nouveautés :
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par debrouxl »

D'un côté, il y a des bugfixes et des features bienvenus.
De l'autre, il y a des fonctionnalités réduites pour les machines de révision matérielle A, la persistance de problèmes de fiabilité pour le transfert et l'exécution de gros programmes, ou encore l'impossibilité persistante de faire commencer les suites à un indice différent de 1, ce qui est contraire aux usages scolaires d'un certain nombre de pays.
Bien sûr, la prochaine version du firmware devrait être encore mieux, et on peut espérer qu'elle sorte en fin d'été ou en début d'année scolaire - mais pour l'instant, la Prime n'est pas encore vraiment un produit fini. Les faits que la 39gII soit nettement pire (et abandonnée à son triste sort ?), et que la Nspire ne soit pas exempte de reproches non plus, ne sont pas des excuses...
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par zpalm »

Mic a écrit :Je ne sais pas s'il y a bcp de Rev A en circulation.
Je n'ai pas encore testé la mise à jour sur mon prototype.
La mise à jour s'est faite sans problème: j'ai d'abord lancé le Kit de Connexion qui m'a demandé si je voulais faire une mise à jour; j'ai dit oui et il a téléchargé la mise à jour du Kit de Connexion et celle du micrologiciel de la Prime.
Après la mise à jour de du Kit de Connexion j'ai connecté la Prime avec le câble USB et j'ai lancé la mise à jour.

Maintenant dans le Help "A propos de la HP Prime" j'ai:
Version du logiciel 2014 3 31 (6030) A
Version du CAS 1.1.0-46
J'ai donc une révision A, je ne sais pas s'il y a déjà des version B en circulation.
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par tyann »

Donc si j'ai bien compris, on sait la version du Hardware A, ou autre chose après la mise à jour.
@Zpalm :Tu a acheté ta machine quand ?
Ti(s) 60, 62 Galaxy, 66, 67 Galaxy, 68, 74 Basical 80, 81, 82, 83+, 83 CE, 84+SE, 85, 86, 89, 89 titanium, 92, 95 Procalc, v200, nSpire cx
Hp(s) 35s, 41CX, 28S, 48g, 50g, 39gII, Prime G1 et G2,
Casio(s) fx 602P, 702P, 4000P, 4500P, 6000G, 6900G, 7700G, 8500g, PB-700, CG-20, Graph 95 sd
Psion(s)II LZ64, siena, s3a, s3mx, s5mx.
Sharp(s) pc-1350, 1403, 1500A, E500, El 5120, 9200, 9600
Canon X-07
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par zpalm »

tyann a écrit :@Zpalm :Tu a acheté ta machine quand ?
Le 4 novembre 2013.
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par zpalm »

J'ai cherché la DataSheet du Wireless Kit qui n'est pas compatible avec la Prime version A. Voici ce que j'ai trouvé : HP Prime Wireless Kit.
• HP Prime Graphing Calculator (G8X92AA)
• HP Connectivity Kit
• HP Prime Emulator
• Windows 8
• Windows 7
la référence de la HP Prime compatible (G8X92AA) n'est pas celle que j'ai acheté (NW280AA).
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Mic »

Ah belle trouvaille cette plaquette de présentation officielle du kit sans fil. Le boitier relais est sympa et compact.

Je ne sais pas comment va gérer HP le changement possible ou non de matériel.

Si vous avez fait la mise à jour sur une Rev A, l'icone DataStreamer doit être grisé car ce module de capteurs scientifiques est également devenu incompatible avec la Rev A.
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Mic »

D'ailleurs, voici la nouvelle plaquette qui va avec les nouvelles HP Prime Rev B : ... 529ENW.pdf
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par tyann »

Bonjour à tous
Bon cette fois j'ai réussi la mise à jour du premier coup, :wink:
et donc je suis également en Rev A, effectivement l'appli DataStreamer est grisé, il y a la fonction sommeliste qui
doit être reéntrée car l'ancien format déclenche une erreur de syntaxe.
Je viens d'essayer le zoom sur une courbe, bien ça, je vais regarder maintenant les nouveautés concernant le INPUT
et LINE_P.
Mais pour en revenir à cette histoire de version hardware, c'est un peu fort de café ça quand même, j'espère que l'on
ne va pas être de plus en plus bridé à chaque mise à jour :twisted:
Ti(s) 60, 62 Galaxy, 66, 67 Galaxy, 68, 74 Basical 80, 81, 82, 83+, 83 CE, 84+SE, 85, 86, 89, 89 titanium, 92, 95 Procalc, v200, nSpire cx
Hp(s) 35s, 41CX, 28S, 48g, 50g, 39gII, Prime G1 et G2,
Casio(s) fx 602P, 702P, 4000P, 4500P, 6000G, 6900G, 7700G, 8500g, PB-700, CG-20, Graph 95 sd
Psion(s)II LZ64, siena, s3a, s3mx, s5mx.
Sharp(s) pc-1350, 1403, 1500A, E500, El 5120, 9200, 9600
Canon X-07
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Mic »

Voici une vidéo montrant l'enrichissement de Input :
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par badaze »

Il ne lui manque que l'appareil photo, le GPS et le téléphone...
Tout est bon dans le pocket.
Moi j'aime tout.... Casio, HP, Sharp, TI et les autres sauf que les TI semblent ne pas m'aimer :(
Mes Casio - HP - Sharp - TI
Homme invisible.
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Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par Tipoucet »

Merci Mic :)
Ça a bien marché aussi mais je remarque un léger bazar dans les icones Apps avec plusieurs doublons. Et privé de Datastreamer. Pas grave mais c'est dommage de se trimbaler un icone grisé ... Je n'avais pourtant pas de A dans ma version de 2013 ...

Mais bien content sinon :D
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Enregistré le : 06 oct. 2012 14:37

Re: Nouveau firmware HP Prime

Message par tyann »

Bonjour à tous
J'ai fait quelques essais avec la nouvelle fonction input,
les possibilités sont assez nombreuses, cases à cocher, entrée de textes, choix parmi une liste de valeurs
possibilités également de positionner les différentes entrées sur l'écran et de les dimensionner :wink:
Malheureusement je crois que cette fonction est buguée, voici un petit exemple que je vous soumet,
peut-être est-ce moi qui me plante.

Code : Tout sélectionner

EXPORT essai()
local a,b;
input({{a,1,{0,10,0}},{b,[2],{25,75,0}}},"FONCTION",{"","F1(x)="},{"cochez","entrez la fonction"},{1,""},{1,""});
J'utilise donc 2 variables "a" pour la case à cocher qui est cochée par défaut, "b" pour la saisie d'une chaîne de caractères
représentant la fonction.
Les 2 zones de saisie sont positionnées sur la même ligne et à l'exécution tout ce passe comme prévu, sauf qu'à la fin
c'est la variable "a" qui contient la fonction entrée et "b" une chaîne vide.
Ti(s) 60, 62 Galaxy, 66, 67 Galaxy, 68, 74 Basical 80, 81, 82, 83+, 83 CE, 84+SE, 85, 86, 89, 89 titanium, 92, 95 Procalc, v200, nSpire cx
Hp(s) 35s, 41CX, 28S, 48g, 50g, 39gII, Prime G1 et G2,
Casio(s) fx 602P, 702P, 4000P, 4500P, 6000G, 6900G, 7700G, 8500g, PB-700, CG-20, Graph 95 sd
Psion(s)II LZ64, siena, s3a, s3mx, s5mx.
Sharp(s) pc-1350, 1403, 1500A, E500, El 5120, 9200, 9600
Canon X-07

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